July 18

Today, I would like to share a few posts from the Decompress blog with you :)

If you would like to write for Decompress, too, please sign up here. It could be an opinion, thoughts on mental well-being as a student nowadays, an expressive poem/short story. Anything you’d like, really.

If you’re not so sure if you should write, maybe this page on the power of storytelling can show you how!



Keeping Mental Health up as a Student.

From a Decompress user like yourself, CC shares with us how she keeps her head up during these new and perhaps scary times. As it continues, we must look for new ways to help us get through.


Mental Struggles and Ways to Cope During Unprecedented Times

Athena, a Decompress user too, talks about the world and how it is changing in unexpected ways. She shares a few tips and suggestions and leaves with hope to get through this!

Balancing Studying and Social Life

Allyson relates her personal experience as a student and how she has learned through ups and downs how to balance school and friends. This is something that is experienced by many, and she has a perspective on it to share.


July 15-16


July 19