November 13

World Kindness Day

Today is World Kindness Day! Today’s page tells you all about how to enact kindness and the importance of showing kindness to others (and ourselves)!

Here are your check in questions:

1. How do you feel when you show kindness to others?

2. What is the kindest thing someone did for you in this past week? How did it make you feel? Describe two emotions.

3. What are words of kindness do you use for yourself? What are words of negativity that you find yourself using and when do these words come out? Try to think of positive words to combat this.



Share kindness (virtually)!

  • things you can do right now to be kind:

    • send an uplifting message to 3 people in your contacts

    • call a relative you haven’t spoken to in a while

    • offer to help with someone’s homework if they are struggling

    • try ecosia! - the search engine that plants trees


Kindness activities during COVID


the power of kindness

Kindness Begets Kindness


Oxytocin, the chemical responsible for feelings of love and connection, binds us as human beings. In this Mindset Moment, Simon talks about the power of kind...


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