August 6
City: Vancouver
Check in
Having Courage
Having courage may not be easy for all during these times. Everyday there is something new, potentially scary, in the news. The important thing is to learn how to have courage and build that strength through self compassion, friendships, and relationships.
Being brave is not being unafraid; it is despite your fear, you overcome challenges and push forward. You can have courage for something physical or a literal fear in the world - fear of heights, fear of dark, fear of x, y, or z. But courage can mean so much more than that. You can have courage against the fear of failure or the fear of your negative emotions. Today’s activities will hopefully give you some steps how to build your courage and make good use of it.
Here are your check in questions:
Questions to ask when you're afraid:
1. Am I afraid of the result or process of this thing (eg. training hard at practice - the process is the pain of the workout, the result is feeling very tired at the end)
2. How do I think I will feel if I overcome this fear? Congratulate yourself even for the little steps to doing things in the face of fear and therefore having courage
3. To find the courage that is already in you: What are the things or the people I stand up for? (this can be a cause, or your family, friends, etc. It could be standing ip for yourself, asserting your voice, too!)
Having courage in the fear of failure
Being afraid is okay. But we cannot let the fear of failing stop us from achieving what we want to achieve.
Here are things you can do to have courage in the fear of failure:
Ask yourself some of these questions:
What am I really afraid of?
In a few days, or after some time, will I regret not taking this chance?
Is there someone I’m afraid of disappointing if I mess this up?
everyone makes mistakes, including this person. It’s okay to mess up and learn from it. You got this :)
If it’s something you can learn from, is it a failure?
Failure can just be one step to getting the ‘victory’!
Accept that somethings will be scary, in the world or in our mind:
Move beyond your comfort zone
Sometimes, it’s good to go beyond your comfort zone. But you are the one who sets your own boundaries. Please keep this in mind that it is your own wellbeing :) These tips are suggestions!
First, what is a comfort zone? It’s the activities or space in your life that feel safe and familiar. It usually means that we avoid doing things outside our comfort zone, like meeting new people or trying new foods.
Why should I try to move out of my comfort zone? you might ask. There are plenty of benefits, including boosted productivity and creativity.
What are ways to get out of a comfort zone? This can mean trying new things for which you can find a bunch of suggestions and ideas here.
First, we can try smaller things like trying new music or sharing something new about ourselves with our friends. Share a new thing that you did recently or talk about a new interest; these small steps will get you ready for bigger things later!
Then, we can try talking about our new experiences. Other people will be interested in the new things you’re doing. You can even share with the Community Board down below.
We can look for new experiences such as pursuing our current interests and new ones.
Learn a new Language
Public Speaking: An Introvert’s Top 3 Tips to Becoming a Great Storyteller
Free sketching course (you’ll have to sign up for free to access the rest of this course)
Learn how to use Procreate (you’ll have to sign up for free to access the rest of this course)
Highly rated Drawing Course (but it’s not free)
Learning new things (history, science, and more!)
Introduction to Sustainability on Coursera
Introduction to Philosophy on Coursera
An Introduction to American Law by University of Pennsylvania
Bioinformatics UCSD
and more! This article has some really cool suggestions including courses on art crime and dinosaurs!