July 4

Check in

Navigating Academic Responsibility and Pressure

At one point, you may have felt pressure from the many academic and extracurricular responsibilities students take on. This is more for middle school students and older, but younger students may have felt stress or worry in completing homework, taking tests, or learning new concepts just as all students do. The tips and strategies provided in this page are geared towards older students, but elementary kids can benefit by learning these skills ahead of time to avoid future stress :) You can also adapt and tweak strategies to whatever fits you best.

Academic stress is only healthy to a certain point. When it is too much, it can impact physical and mental wellbeing negatively. Today’s resources aims to help students cope with stress in school effectively and in healthy ways.

Here are your check in questions for today:

1. How are you today? Are you feeling any stress or worry?

2. What are some ways you cope with stress at school?

3. Who are the people who help you through stressful moments in your school life? Remember to thank and appreciate them :)


Strategies for managing time management

For me, a lot of stress comes from feeling my study time has gone wasted when I’m not very productive. In order to not waste a bunch of time on one task, taking breaks and learning how to study effectively can help reduce this stress.

Ways to deal with school stress

  1. I think gardening and growing plants can be a great de-stressing activity. It’s not a one time thing, either. You take care of plants for a while; there’s also some proof that plants improve our wellbeing :)

    1. Here are eco-friendly ways to upcycle things into plant containers.

  2. Coloring as a way to destress has become pretty popular in recent years. Its appeal comes from the activity’s potential to spark creativity while reducing stress.

    Here are a few downloadable coloring pages you can print for yourself.

  3. Another activity to destress with is baking! Baking is rewarding and helps you calm down by putting your focus elsewhere than your worries or work. Try these recipes to destress:


Guided meditation for Students


Many students have asked Sal how to cope with stress. In his personal life, Sal finds meditation invaluable for not only reducing stress and anxiety, but als...

Mini meditation for letting go of stress


We all get stressed from time to time. A little bit of stress can be beneficial, but when stress overwhelms you, it can have serious health implications incl...


July 3


July 5-6