July 22

How to cope with worrying

Worrying is thinking about the future in a way that leaves you feeling afraid or anxious. Today, there may be many things to worry about, but we can get through them with a few simple techniques and moving our mind to the present.

Here are your check in questions:

  1. how are you today?

  2. is there anything on your mind? are you feeling preoccupied?

  3. what is one thing you do to relax?


Relaxation tips

for younger kids, try:

When you’re feeling anxious…

  • talk to a friend or family member through technology

    • chat about your day, what is worrying you (if you feel comfortable sharing), talk about a favorite book or show you recently came across

  • write down your worries

    • getting them out of your brain can help you move on from thinking about them

  • challenge your worries

    • notice when you’re making black-or-white statements like “if I can’t complete this task, no one will want me on their team again” or “if this one thing goes wrong, the entire day is wasted”

      • is this really true? what are the in-betweens or the degrees between the two extremes that are more likely to happen

    • notice the positives. we can sometimes only focus on the negatives, but when there is something good, take note of that

  • more tips here!


July 21


July 24-25