September 3
The Sense of Touch
On average, 1 square inch of your skin has 1000 nerve endings to sense touch, pain, pressure, and temperature! The sense of touch has a wide range of resources that apply to it - arts & crafts, exercise, meditation etc. We will be sharing a few ideas in these categories below. Feel free to click the button below to share your ideas, too :) We love to hear from our Decompress users.
De-stressing activities
Make it stand out.
Mindfulness Techniques
1) Be mindful of the chair/surface you sit on during meditation.
Note the different surfaces you come into contact with it when you feel distracted or worried. It will help ground you.
2) 90-90-90
90 degrees in your knees, 90 degrees in your elbow resting on the table, 90 degrees in your hips when you sit. This will help reduce back pain when you sit for long hours during distance learning.
Hobbies that work with your hands
Gardening, sports, arts and crafts, knitting are all great ways to keep you busy and destress!
More help
Watch this Headspace video to see how to sit during meditation.